Our campus in Burns Creek is connected to the international University of the Nations which provides Christian training in all different areas of society. 

University of the Nations

Founded upon biblical principles, the University of the Nations (UofN) fulfills its commitment to Christ and His Great Commission by equipping men and women with spiritual, cultural, intellectual, and professional training, and inspiring them to continually grow in their personal relationship with God while also seeking to make Him known among all peoples in all nations.

The University seeks to broaden the scope of evangelistic endeavors by equipping students to serve in all spheres of society, in all nations, in response to Jesus’ declaration that we are the salt and light of the world. Learning to think biblically and discern spiritually, applying scriptural truth to every area of life, prepares students for going to the nations where they are called to serve.

For more information see

The UofN approach to education is based on 2 Peter 1:5-8, which urges development of godly qualities, adding to faith: moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love.

Discipleship Training School (DTS)

Next DTS Munda: March 3rd 2025
Next DTS Honiara: March 10th 2025

Grow in intimacy with God. Discover more of your purpose in Him. Put your faith into action.

The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is designed to help you understand God more deeply, live more like Jesus and identify your unique gifts and purpose to use in missions. DTS begins with an 12 week classroom phase, followed by an 8-12 week outreach phase.

The Discipleship Training School is a requirement for applying as YWAM staff and to do other trainings under the University of the Nation.

DTS emphasizes global awareness, preparing students to answer the call to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations” Matthew 28:19. 

Discipleship Bible School (DBS)

Next DBS Honiara: September 15th 2025

In the DBS we make the Bible the student’s companion for life! And it will be with Spirit and Truth! The student will discover the unified story of the Bible, be discipled by the Bible and will fall in love with the Author of the Bible.

In this 12-week introduction to the Bible, the student will be given an overview of “God’s story” and will discover the purposes of God in it. The student will read the entire Bible, observe the chronology of biblical events, better understand each book in its historical context, understand the harmony between the books, be able to recognize the different genres of literature, and for each book, know why it was written and what the main idea is. The student will learn the foundational truths of Christianity by going directly to the source.

DBS is like a sequel to DTS. Students continue the discipleship process begun in the DTS by addressing a variety of topics illuminated in the Scriptures, by building godly character and developing a lifelong hunger and love for the Word. This will not only be accomplished in the classroom, but also outside the classroom, through one-on-ones, small groups, plus evangelism and mercy ministry in the community.

Community Development School

Next CDS Honiara: September 15th 2025


The Community Development School [CDS] provides an overview of the basic principles of the biblical approach to community transformation for all spheres of society, both for the poor and non-poor. The CDS empowers you to join God’s plan for discipling nations, beginning with personal transformation and working outward through family, communities, and nations. In the school, you will be trained to view communities and nations from the perspective of the Kingdom of God.


You will learn how to ask the right questions to assess the needs of a community, how to enter and leave a community in a healthy way, and how to make disciples and empower people to move towards God’s intentions. Throughout the course, you will develop a sustainable development plan based on the community of your choice which can be practically applied in order to propel the community towards transformation.

During this course, you will study:

  • Biblical worldview
  • Principles of Biblical Transformation
  • Church planting and networking
  • Cross-cultural relationships and communication
  • Community Assessment & Project Planning
  • Appropriate technology
  • Economics and Development
A wholistic approact to the transformation of nations

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