
All the work of YWAM Solomon Islands is volunteer based, and your support will aid us in our work.

Online Payment

You can donate by credit card through our payment solution powered by stripe.

Solomon Bank Transfer

You can donate directly to our account in the Solomon Islands. Especially for larger donations this is recommended.

Account name:
Youth With A Mission Solomon Islands

Account #: 2000606414


Currency: USD

You can make a difference

Current projects

If you want to earmark your donation to a specific project, please write so in your bank transfer comments, or send us a message. If not, we will use the funds where the need is most pressing.

Here is what we currently need help for:

Medical Clinic

We manage the Burns Creek Medical Clinic in partnership with the government. Our job is to do all the upkeep, and make sure the clinic has all the equipment needed in order to provide excellent care

Check out our Medical Clinic page for more info on what we do:

Sailing Vision

Our Sailing Vision is just starting up, and we need a lot of help to get it going. We need funds towards buying a sailboat from the Philippines and for building boats in the future. 

See the page on the Sailing Vision for more information:

Campus Development

Our campus outside of Honiara is continuously growing and expanding. We want to house more people and have more classrooms to teach more schools. The University of the Nations is a great addition to the education system in the Solomon Islands.

Check out our base in the page About us.

Contact us