To know God and to make Him known


As part of University of the Nations, we offer courses in discipleship, the Bible and community development


We are reaching out into the spheres of society through community development, bible engagement and sailing.


We invite you to take part in what is happening here in the Solomon Islands. Come and volunteer or donate to our cause.

Our Vision is to see young Solomon Islanders step into a purposeful life to share the Good News in every sphere of society in Solomon Islands and beyond


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YWAM Solomons aims to be self-sustainable as a model for other communities


Our garden provides food for the staff throughout the year. We plant cassava, sweet potatoes, bananas, beans and more. We also have our own piggery and chickens.


On our property we have multiple wells, and one that we feed to our water tower through a solar pump.


Our solar system has become so developed that we now can provide enough solar to charge an electric car! And so, we have imported the first electric car to the Solomon Islands.


On base we have built a biogas system that creates cooking gas from the waste of our pigs and from garden waste. This gas can also power a generator if needed.

University of the Nations

YWAM Solomons offer courses from the international training institution University of the Nations (UofN) with 600 locations in 160 nations. UofN takes a global, cross-cultural, and flexible training approach.

Enter through the Discipleship Training School (YWAM DTS), a prerequisite for all other courses and is the gateway into the seven Colleges/Faculties and various Centres of the University of the Nations. 

Students live in community and share meal times, times of worship and intercession and other spare time activities. Throughout this experience they get to know the Lord and how they have been purposefully created.

Some of what we do

Community Development

Water Well Drilling

We drill wells both manually and with a drilling rig. With our manual well drilling rig we can drill wells down to 21 meter.

PVC Handpumps

For our water well we can efficient PVC water pumps with a simple design that is durable and repairable.

Water Infrastructure

We have delivered full village level infrastructure with tapstands and flowmeters for efficient use of water.

Solar Pumps

We have solar water pumps that can pump your well water mechanically using power from the sun.

Biogas Systems

By using organic waste, our system can produce methane that can be used for cooking gas or to run a generator.

Cement Water Tanks

With different building technologies we build Water Storage Tanks in different sizes from what is locally available and affordable.

Join us in

Launching the Sailing Vision

  • Current

    We sailed from Philippines to the Solomon Islands in 2024. The boat is currently on land but will be launched again in 2025.

  • In progress

    The goal is to equip local Solomon Islanders to manage and operate the vessel. We partner with Yachts For Life in Fiji, to get more hands on sailing training.

  • Vision

    The vision is to reach out to isolated communities with the love of Jesus. So far we have been using the boat to drill water wells and we plan to be doing Bible distribution.


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Contact Details

  • Location

    Burns Creek Honiara Solomon Islands

  • Mobile Phone

    +677 8603966

  • Email
